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Check DTC Memory (Function 02)

Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Memory, Checking (function 02)

- The operating and display module, Climatronic Control Module J255 switches automatically to "Econ" mode if, following installation of a new operating and display module, Climatronic Control Module J255, basic setting was not performed or if the pressure measured by the High Pressure Sensor G65 is too low or too high (the compressor must not be activated). This status is displayed as being a malfunction as of hardware/software version "0711". Measuring Value Blocks (Function 08)
- If, after switching on the ignition, the operating and display module, Climatronic Control Module J255 switches automatically to "Off" mode and if it is only possible to set "Def" mode with the ignition switched on (no other settings possible), the ignition has been switched on for example using a key not released for the vehicle concerned or the Instrument Cluster Control Module J285 is not transmitting a key number via the CAN-Bus comfort system (provided as of hardware/software version "0711").
- If the operating and display module, Climatronic Control Module J255 displays a number, check the DTC memory of the operating and display module, Climatronic Control Module J255 (the number "60" for example indicates a fault at the Interior Temperature Sensor Fan V42). If the display of the operating and display module, Climatronic Control Module J255 flashes and No fault is displayed in the DTC memory (e.g. with display "09"), there is a malfunction in the electronics of the operating and display module, Climatronic Control Module J255.

- With the ignition switched off, connect Diagnostic Operation System VAS 5051A for example using Diagnostic Cable - 3 Meter VAS 5051/5A and K-Lead Adapter Vas6017B VAS 6017B (or K-Lead Adapter VAS 6017A) to the 16-pin diagnostic socket in the vehicle and use address word "08" to select A/C heater electronics. VAS 5051A Scan Tool (ST), Connecting and Selecting Functions

Indicated on display of Diagnostic Operation System VAS 5051A:
- Select function "02 - checking DTC memory".

Indicated on display of Diagnostic Operation System VAS 5051A:

- Number of stored faults appears in display zone -1 -.
- DTC code, fault location and type of DTC memory appear in display zone - 2 -.

- Touch <- key to return to selection program.
- If no malfunction has been detected and there are problems with the air conditioner (e.g. constant or intermittent failure of cooling output, unsatisfactory system control, no regulation of fresh-air blower speed, operating and display module, Climatronic Control Module J255 always switches to "Econ" or "Off" mode):
1. Read measuring value block (function 08). Measuring Value Blocks (Function 08)
2. Perform Output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM) diagnosis (function 03) Output Diagnostic Test Mode (DTM) (Function 03)
3. Check cooling output of air conditioner.

If malfunction(s) are found:
1. Rectify fault.
2. Check DTC memory (function 02).
3. Erase DTC memory (function 05).
4. Check coding of operating and display module, Climatronic Control Module J255 or Instrument Cluster Control Module J285.

5. Perform basic setting (function 04).
6. Check DTC memory (function 02) and if necessary eliminate DTCs displayed, erase DTC memory (function 05) and repeat procedure.
7. End output (function 06).

Indicated on display of Diagnostic Operation System VAS 5051 A:
- End output (function 06). End Output (Function 06)
- Switch off ignition and disconnect diagnostic connector.