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Transmission, Securing to Repair Stand

Transmission, securing to repair stand, 01J, CVT A/T FWD

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required:

^ Holding plate VW 309
^ Holding fixture VW 313
^ Transmission support VW 353
^ Holding fixture VW 540
^ Shop crane VAS 6100
^ Transmission lift hook T40013

Securing transmission in vertical position

- Secure transmission to assembly stand with bolts -1- and -2-.
- Screw transmission support VW 353 onto holding plate VW 309.

- Insert transmission into holding fixture VW 313 using shop crane VAS 6100.

CAUTION: The center of gravity of the transmission is located outside the turning center of the holding fixture. To turn the transmission, a second technician must hold the transmission housing to prevent it from swinging.

Securing transmission in horizontal position
- Bolt transmission onto engine/transmission holder VW 540 -arrows-.
- Insert transmission into holding fixture VW 313 using workshop crane VAS 6100.

CAUTION: The center of gravity of the transmission is located outside the turning center of the holding fixture. To turn the transmission, a second technician must hold the transmission housing to prevent it from swinging.