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Function 02 - Check DTC Memory

General Information

The new seat adjustment with memory generation features On Board Diagnostic (OBD) capability. The control module for seat adjustment with memory is equipped with a DTC Memory.

Malfunctions occurring in monitored components/wiring are stored in DTC memory together with an indication of the type of malfunction.

If any control elements are replaced they must be adapted and a basic setting must be initiated => [ Seat Control Element, Basic Setting ].

On Board Diagnostic (OBD), initiating program

Test requirements:

Voltage supply and fuses for appropriate systems OK.

Connecting scan tool (VAS5051) => [ VAS 5051, Connecting ] VAS 5051, Connecting

Switch ignition on.

If no display appears, use wiring diagram to check power supply for (VAS5051)

Additional operating instructions can be called up by pressing the Scan Tool HELP button.

The next step in the program sequence can be selected by pressing the -> button.

Incorrect entries can be terminated by pressing the C button..

- Switch on printer by pressing Print button (indicator lamp in button lights up).

- Press button 1 for "Rapid data transfer".

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Enter address word XX

Function 02 - Check DTC Memory

DTC information displayed is not updated constantly, but rather only on starting On Board Diagnostic (OBD)/implementing function 05 "Erase DTC Memory."

- Switch on printer by pressing the Print button (indicator lamp in button lights up).

Performing Function 02 Check, DTC Memory

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Press buttons 0 and 2.

Indicate on display:

Rapid data transfer Q
02 - Interrogate fault memory

- Confirm entry with Q button.

The number of stored DTCs appears on the display.

X fault detected ->

The stored DTCs are consecutively displayed and printed out.

- Consult Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) table with DTC printed out and correct malfunction => [ DTC Tables ].

In the case of "No faults detected", program returns to its start position after pressing the -> button.

No fault detected ->

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Enter address word XX

If something else is displayed: => Scan tool operating instructions

- Erase DTC Memory (function 05) => [ Function 05 - Erase DTC Memory ].

- End output (function 06) => [ Function 06 - End Output ]

- Disconnect diagnostic connector.