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Stub Axle Carrier, FWD

Stub Axle Carrier, FWD

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

Thrust plate (VW 402)

Punch (VW 411)

Punch (VW 412)

Sleeve (VW 415 A)

Press piece (VW 434)

Assembly tool (VW 792)

Assembly tool (3301/4)

1 - Stub axle carrier

Removing and installing, refer to => [ Steel Wheel Bearing Housing, AWD ] Steel Wheel Bearing Housing, AWD

Front seal - arrow - must not grind against wheel bearing unit

Do not remove front seal

2 - Cover plate

3 - Wheel bearing unit

Does not need to be replaced

If wheel bearing unit can be removed from stub axle carrier by hand, wheel bearing unit is OK and can be reinstalled.

If it cannot be removed by hand, wheel bearing unit must be replaced.

Replace only as complete unit

4 - Collar bolt

Always replace

5 - Torx bolt

Tightening specification, refer to => Brakes and Traction Control Brakes and Traction Control

6 - Rubber bushing

Removing => [ Rubber bushing, removing ]

Installing => [ Rubber bushing, installing ]

Rubber bushing, removing

- Continuously press out rubber bushing.

Securely hold stub axle carrier/wheel bearing housing when pressing out.

Rubber bushing, installing

- Clean bearing seat in stub axle carrier/wheel bearing housing.

- Completely coat rubber bushing and stub axle carrier/wheel bearing housing bearing set using installation lubricant G 294 421 A1 thinned with water at a ratio of 1:100.

- Position rubber bushing - A - so that wide collar faces downward - arrow -.

- Continuously press rubber bushing into stub axle carrier or wheel bearing housing until rubber bushing collar rests on Installation Arbor (VW 792) and is pressed (noticeable increase of pressure).

If pressing process is interrupted, rubber expands and bushing cannot be pressed in farther without damaging it.

Securely hold stub axle carrier/wheel bearing housing when pressing on.

- Press rubber bushing back again until dimension a = 10 ± 0.8 mm.