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Windshield Wiper and Washer System

Windshield Wiper System

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

Removal lever (80-200)

VAG 1331 Torque wrench (or 5 - 50 Nm equivalent)


- Remove rubber seal of plenum chamber cover in direction of - arrow -.

- Remove plenum chamber cover - 1 - to front.

Wiper arms, removing

- Actuate touch-wipe function and allow wiper motor to move to end position.

- Use screwdriver to pry off caps - 3 -.

- Loosen nuts - 4 - (do not remove).

- Loosen wiper arms - 2 - from wiper shaft by tilting slightly.

- Remove nuts completely and remove wiper arms.

Should wiper arms be difficult to remove, use appropriate puller.

- Remove retaining clips - 1 - and detach cowl panel grille - 5 -.

Wiper assembly, removing

- Remove cover for electronics box in plenum chamber - arrows -.

- Pry off wiper linkage - 2 - from ball head using lever (80-200).

- Remove crank from wiper motor.

- Unclip pipe/hose guides at wiper frame.

- Remove bolts - arrows - and detach entire wiper frame - 1 -.

- Disconnect electrical connection.

Wiper motor, removing from frame

- Remove bolts - arrows -and remove wiper motor from wiper frame.


Install in reverse order of removal, noting the following:

- Secure wiper motor without crank to wiper frame - arrows -.

- Reconnect electrical connectors at wiper motor.

- Fit wiper motor with wiper frame in vehicle and loosely install bolts.

- Press wiper linkage in to stop in direction of - arrow - and tighten bolt - 1 -.

- Then tighten bolts - 2 - and - 3 - in sequence.

- Actuate touch-wipe function and allow wiper motor to move to end position.

Switch off all electrical consumers.

Switch ignition off and remove ignition key.

- Check and if necessary, align crank - 1 - with wiper frame.

Angle alpha = 2 degrees

- Hold crank in position and hand-tighten nut - 2 - so setting is not altered.

- Then brace crank with an open-end wrench and tighten nut fully.

- Switch on ignition.

- Actuate touch-wipe function and allow wiper motor to move to end position.

- Check that angle - alpha - is attained; re-align if necessary.

Shown with wiper frame removed for illustration purposes.

- Set wiper blades to park position => [ Windshield Wiper Blade Park Position, Adjusting ] Windshield Wiper Blade Park Position, Adjusting.

Tightening Specifications