Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Front Suspension

Air Suspension Strut, Filling

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

Adapter (T10157/1)

Air spring filler unit (VAS 6231)

Steel gas bottle filled with argon or corgon

Suspension struts (air suspension) are delivered as a replacement part with a minimum pressure. By sitting in storage for extended periods this pressure can diminish (just like a tire). Before the suspension strut (air suspension) is removed from its packaging, this minimum pressure must be controlled by refilling. If the suspension strut (air suspension) is removed from its packaging without this control/refilling, folds can occur in the under-filled air spring boot. These indentations lead to preliminary damage and may lead to premature failure.

- Remove the cover from the packaging.

- Remove union bolt - arrow - from the residual pressure holding valve.

- Close the valve of the steel gas bottle.

- Become familiar with the relevant rules for the prevention of accidents for pressurized containers and technical gases.

- Connect the (VAS 6231) and (T10157/1) as shown in the illustration.

1. Suspension strut (air suspension) in packaging

2. Steel gas bottle for argon, corgon with gauges

3. (VAS 6231)

4. (T10157/1)

Refilling the suspension strut (air suspension) may only be performed with the gases from the top to prevent any "uncleaned" air from getting into the air suspension system.

- Set the flow rate limiter gauge to 2.0 L/min - arrow -.

- Now fill gas in suspension strut (air suspension) with several individual pressure bursts.

The display only shows a correct pressure if the back pressure of the residual pressure retaining valve is overcome. The back pressure is at approximately 3.5 bar. The air suspension strut is filled with enough gas when the pressure reaches 3.5 to 4.5 bar.

- Make sure pressure does not exceed 4.5 bar when filling.

- Disconnect the (VAS 6231) from the (T10157/1). When doing this, gas will escape at a pressure greater than 3.5 bar.

Minimum pressure is now reestablished. Suspension strut (air suspension) can be removed from packaging.

- After installation, first drive the vehicle at high ride height and then at normal ride height. Repeat this sequence once more.

By moving the vehicle lever heights twice, the majority of the gas is exchanged with filtered air from the air supply motor.

- Suspension strut (air suspension), installing, refer to => [ Air Suspension Strut with Mounting Bracket ] Air Suspension Strut with Mounting Bracket.