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Backrest Cover

Backrest Cover

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

Pry Lever (80 - 200)


- Release the spring clamps for the backrest cover - 1 - using the (80 - 200) up to the first retainer - arrows A -.

The spring clamps (with hooks) can be removed only up to the first retainer.

- In order to remove the spring clamps (with hooks) - 2 -, push the backrest cover in - direction of arrow B -.

- Pull the backrest cover - 1 - upward slightly and then swivel it to the rear - arrows -.

When doing this, the guide tabs - 2 - and - 3 - are disconnected from the backrest frame.

- Remove backrest cover.


Installation is reverse of removal, but note the following:

Replace damaged spring clamps.

- Guide the spring clamps (with hooks) - 3 - into the guides - 1 - on the backrest cover - 2 - in - direction of arrow -.