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Brake System, Bleeding Without Brake Filler And Bleeder Tool

Brake System, Bleeding without Brake Filler And Bleeder Tool

Make sure that the brake fluid reservoir is always filled.

- Remove the protective cap from the brake caliper bleeder screw and connect the hose of the bleeder bottle to the bleeder screw.

Bleeding sequence

1 Left front brake caliper
2 Right front brake caliper
3 Left rear brake caliper
4 Right rear brake caliper

- Build pressure up in brake system by pumping brake pedal.

Slowly depress the brake pedal to prevent the formation of bubbles.

- As soon as pressure is built up, hold brake pedal in depressed position.

- Open the bleeder screw, with bleeder bottle hose connected, until the pressure is relieved (pedal drops).

- Hold pedal in completely depressed position and close the bleeder screw.

- Release brake pedal and wait approximately 2 seconds so that brake fluid can flow out of the brake fluid reservoir.

- Repeat the procedure until the brake fluid flows out clear and free of bubbles.

- Tighten bleeder screw to 10 Nm, pull off bleeder hose and place protective cap onto bleeder screw.

- Repeat the bleeding procedure in the specified sequence on the remaining brake calipers.

- Fill the brake fluid reservoir, under consideration of brake pad wear, up to the max marking and screw on the sealing cap.

- Start the engine and test the brake pedal travel and brake pedal pressure.

- If the brake pedal travel is too far, check the brake system for leaks and/or repeat the bleeding procedure.

Brake Fluid, Changing

=> Maintenance Procedures 03