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Battery Clamps and Terminals, Cleaning

Battery Clamps and Terminals, Cleaning

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

Contact Surfaces Cleaning Set (VAS 6410)

Using the Contact surface cleaning set VAS 6410 (VAS 6410) , service work can be performed in the area of the contact sensor on the threaded connection wiring harnesses in the high current circuit (starter and charging current).

The gray sanding pads are for slight contamination and suitable for "soft surfaces". The red sanding pads are for heavy contamination and suitable for "hard surfaces".

Do not use rust remover, contact spray or grease because the lack of friction will cause the torque to be exceeded when installing and this will lead to the battery terminals breaking.

Risk of injury.

Follow all Warnings and Safety Precautions. Refer to => [ Lead-Acid Battery Warnings and Safety Precautions ] Lead-Acid Battery Warnings and Safety Precautions.

- Disconnect the battery.

- Check the battery terminal clamp and battery terminal for corrosion and dirt.

- Clean the battery terminal with a wire brush and battery terminal cleaner - arrows -.

- Clean the battery terminal with the bottom side of the battery terminal cleaner with circular motions.

- Reconnect the battery.

Optimal contact is ensured if the bolted components are tightened to the specified torque after cleaning.