Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

02EA Transmission

Repair Information

The maximum possible care and cleanliness and proper tools are essential to ensure satisfactory and successful transmission repairs. The usual basic safety precautions also, naturally apply when carrying out vehicle repairs.

Some general repair information that applies to several procedures throughout this service information is summarized here. They apply to this repair information.

Guided Fault Finding, OBD and Test Instruments

Try to determine the exact cause of the fault using Guided Fault Finding, Vehicle Self-Diagnosis and Test Instruments => Vehicle Diagnosis Tester.

Special Tools and Equipment

Oil, Environmental and Disposal Regulations

Handle ATF, axle oil and other fluids with care.

Dispose of drained ATF properly.

Follow the legal environmental and disposal regulations.

Follow the information provided on oil packaging.


Do not run engine or tow the vehicle when the oil pan is removed or when there is no transmission fluid.

When replacing the transmission, the transmission fluid must be checked and filled, if necessary. Refer to => [ Transmission Fluid, Checking and Filling ] Transmission Fluid, Checking and Filling. Capacities, refer to => [ Capacities ] 02EA Transmission, Specifications, refer to the Parts Catalog.

Always clean the connection locations and the area around them before loosening.

During installation, make sure that the alignment bushings are fitted correctly.

O-rings, Shaft Seals, Seals

O-rings, shaft seals and seals must be replaced.

After removing gaskets, examine contact surface on housing/shaft for burr resulting from removal or for other signs of damage.

Thoroughly clean housing joint surfaces before assembling.

Replace paper gaskets, thoroughly clean sealing surfaces and completely remove old seals.

When installing seals, apply transmission fluid to the outer edge and sealing lip.

Coat the O-rings with transmission fluid or Vaseline before inserting them so they are not crushed during installation.

Never use any other lubricants in the same areas as the transmission fluid. Otherwise, there is a risk that the transmission could malfunction or fail.

The open side of the shaft seals point toward the fluid to be sealed in.

Follow the rules for clean working conditions. Refer to => [ Clean Working Conditions ] Clean Working Conditions.

Check the transmission fluid level and fill if necessary. Refer to => [ Transmission Fluid, Checking and Filling ] Transmission Fluid, Checking and Filling


Do not overstretch the circlips.

Replace damaged or stretched circlips.

The circlips must fit completely inside the groove.

Bolts and Nuts

Loosen the bolts opposite the tightening sequence.

Nuts and bolts which secure covers and housings should be loosened and tightened crosswise in stages if no tightening sequence is specified.

Replace the self-locking nuts.

Clean threads of bolts that were applied with locking fluid using a wire brush. Install the bolts with locking fluid (AMV 185 101 A1).

The tightening specifications stated apply to non-oiled nuts and bolts.