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Attach Lock Button on the Handle For the Selector Lever

Attach Lock Button on the Handle for the Selector Lever

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

Release Tool (T40203)


The locking button - 1 - projects out in its installation position in the handle.

If the locking button was pressed in, then it must be brought back to it installation position so that the handle can be installed.

- Carefully install the (T40203) all the way into the handle - 1 -.

The handle is shown without the selector lever boot.

The cut-out on the (T40203) faces the locking button and the hook toward the left.

- Hold the handle - A - tighten and turn the (T40203) 180° in direction of - arrow 1 -.

- Hold the handle tight and carefully remove the (T40203) - arrow 2 -.

While the (T40203) is being removed, the locking button - A - on the handle will be pushed out and will lock.

Do not touch the locking button anymore before installing the handle so that the button does not fall back in.