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Folding Hooks

Folding Hooks


- Fold folding hooks up - 6 -.

Relatively great force is needed to unclip folding hooks.

- Pull folding hook toward yourself until pins - 4 - unclip from mounting bracket - 3 -.


- Using a screwdriver - 7 -, pry spring - 1 - down as shown in illustration.

Spring - 1 - must lie under tab - 2 - when installed. Press spring - 1 - down with screwdriver - 7 - during entire installation process.

- Tip folding hooks - 6 - with tab - 5 - under edge of luggage compartment side trim - arrow -.

- Position folding hook so spring - 1 - slides under tab - 2 -.

- Remove screwdriver and clip pins - 4 - into mounting bracket - 3 -.

- After installing, check whether folding hook swivels into luggage compartment side trim by itself. If this is not the case, the spring - 1 - is above the tab - 2 - and the entire removal and installation procedure must be replaced.