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Valve Stem Seals, Cylinder Head Installed

Valve Stem Seals, Cylinder Head Installed

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

Spark Plug Removal Tool (3122 B)

Valve Seal Removal Tool (3364)

Valve Stem Seal Driver (3365)

Valve Cotters Asm/Dis-Asm Device (VAS 5161) with Guide Plate for FSI Engine (VAS 5161/19B)
Pressure Fork (VAS 5161/2)

Drift (VAS 5161/3)

Installation Fork (VAS 5161/5)

Engaging Device (VAS 5161/6)

Installation Cartridge (VAS 5161/8)

Knurled Screws (VAS 5161/12)

Insertion Device (VAS 5161/18)

Adapter (T40012)


- Remove the camshafts. Refer to => [ Camshafts ] Service and Repair.

- Mark the allocation of the roller rocker lever and the hydraulic adjusting elements so they can be installed again.

- If necessary, remove the roller rocker levers with the hydraulic adjusting elements and place them on a clean surface.

- Remove the spark plugs with the (3122 B).

- Move piston for respective cylinder to "Bottom Dead Center (BDC) position".

- Position the (VAS 5161/3) on the valve spring plate and loosen the stuck valve retainers with a plastic mallet.

- Mount the (VAS 5161/19B) on the cylinder head.

- Secure the guide plate with the (VAS 5161/12).

- Install the (T40012) with sealing ring in respective spark plug thread and hand tighten.

- Connect the adapter to the compressed air using a commercially available intermediate piece and give steady pressure.

Minimum pressure: 6 bar positive pressure.

- Install the (VAS 5161/6) with the (VAS 5161/5) in guide plate.

- Slide the (VAS 5161/8) in guide plate.

- Engage the (VAS 5161/2) on engaging device and press installation cartridge down.

- At the same time, rotate installation cartridge knurled screw right until points engage in valve retainers.

- Move the knurled wheel left and right slightly. This presses the valve retainers apart and captures them in the installation cartridge.

- Release the pressure fork.

- Remove installation cartridge.

- Unfasten guide plate and turn it aside.

Pressurized air hose remains connected.

- Remove the valve spring and the valve spring plate.

- Remove the valve stem seal with the (3364).

If the (3364) cannot be used, on several valve stem seals due to restricted clearance, proceed as follows:

- Drive out the roll pin - arrow - on the puller with a drift and remove the impact puller attachment.

- Position the lower part of the (3364) on the valve stem seal.

- Secure the puller with a drift or cotter pin drive - 1 - as shown in the illustration.

- Position the valve lever on the puller and remove the valve stem seal - arrow -.

Risk of damage when installing valve stem seals.

Place plastic sleeve - A - that is attached to valve stem seals - B - on valve stem.

- Lightly oil valve stem seal.

- Slide valve shaft seal onto plastic sleeve.

- Carefully press valve stem seal onto valve guide with the (3365).

- Remove plastic sleeve.

If the valve keepers were removed from the installation cartridge, they must then be inserted into the (VAS 5161/18).

The large diameter of the valve retainers point upward.

- Press installation cartridge from above onto the insertion device and capture keepers.

- Insert valve spring and valve spring plate.

Installation position: the tight spring coils - arrow - face toward the cylinder head.

- Install the guide plate on the cylinder head.

- Insert installation cartridge in guide plate.

- Press the pressure fork down and pull the knurled screw up while turning left and right. This inserts the valve retainers.

- Release the pressure fork with the knurled screw still raised.

- Repeat the procedure on each valve.


Assemble in reverse order of disassembling. Note the following:

- Make sure all the roller rocker levers lie on the ends of the valve stems correctly and are clipped onto the respective hydraulic adjusting elements.

- Install the camshafts. Refer to => [ Camshafts ] Service and Repair.

- Install spark plugs.

Risk of damaging valves and piston heads after working on valvetrain.

The motor must not be started for about 30 minutes after installing camshafts because the hydraulic equalization elements must seat themselves.

To ensure valves do not strike pistons when starting, carefully rotate engine at least 2 full revolutions.