Refrigerant Circuit, Draining
Refrigerant Circuit, Draining
Refrigerant is never to be allowed to escape into the atmosphere, but rather it is to be extracted from the refrigerant circuit using an extractor or service station. The drained refrigerant will be locally recycled or is send to an environment-recycling place to the manufacturer (different or additional laws may apply in individual companies). For this reason, bring the vehicle to a workshop that has the necessary tools and qualified personnel => Refrigerant R134a - Servicing.
If refrigerant R134a is released into the environment, it enhances the green house effect.
• Refrigerant R134a has far less of a greenhouse effect than R12.
• Because R-134a does not contain chlorine atoms, the major catalyst in ozone depletion, refrigerant R-134a has no ozone depletion potential. Depletion of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is however only brought about by the splitting of carbon-chlorine bonds (as is the case, for example, with refrigerant R12).
Disconnect the connector from the A/C Compressor Regulator Valve (N280) or from the A/C Pressure/Temperature Sensor (G395) after draining the A/C system.
A/C Compressor Regulator Valve (N280) is then no longer activated and compressor runs at idle. Compressor is designed such that lubrication of compressor components is guaranteed by way of an internal oil circuit at idle (provided there is sufficient refrigerant oil in the compressor).