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Power Steering Fluid, Checking

Power Steering Fluid, Checking

- Do not run engine and turn front wheels to straight ahead position.

Fluid Cold (Approximately 20 °C)

- Remove the cap.

- Wipe dipstick off with a clean cloth.

- Screw cap on hand-tight and unscrew again.

The cap must be fully screwed in order to obtain an accurate fluid level reading.

- Check fluid level: Oil level must be within the - A - area.

Fluid at Operating State Temperature (Approximately 80 °C)

- Remove the cap.

- Wipe dipstick off with a clean cloth.

- Screw cap on hand-tight and unscrew again.

The cap must be fully screwed in order to obtain an accurate fluid level reading.

- Check fluid level: Oil level must be within area - B -.

Fluid must be drawn off if the level is above the specified range.

If oil level is below aforementioned area, then the hydraulic system must be checked for leaks. It is not enough to just add fluid.

Do not use drained hydraulic oil.