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Tire Pressure Monitoring System Assembly Overview, Direct System

Tire Pressure Monitoring System Assembly Overview, Direct System

1 Left Front Tire Pressure Monitoring Transmitter (in wheel housing) (G431) , Front Right (G432) , Rear Left (G433) and Rear Right (G434)

The tire pressure monitoring transmitters are only installed in the High version.

2 Tire Pressure Monitoring Control Module (J502)

If module is replaced, system must be coded. Refer to => [ Tire Pressure Monitoring System Usage, Direct System ] Tire Pressure Monitoring System Usage, Direct System.

3 Rear Tire Pressure Monitoring Antenna (R96)

Removing and installing, refer to => [ Tire Pressure Monitoring Antennas ] Service and Repair.

4 Display in Instrument Cluster

5 Left Front Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensor (G222) , Right Front (G223) , Rear Left (G224) and Rear Right (G225)

Removing and installing, refer to => [ Metal Valve Body ] Service and Repair.

If wheel positions are changed on vehicle, wheels changed, the tire pressure sensors replaced or pressures changed, this must be confirmed in the MMI.