Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

System Specifications

Fastener Tightening Specifications

Ribbed Belt Pulley Side Sealing Flange - Tightening Specifications and Sequence

- Tighten the bolts - 1 through 11 - in 3 stages as follows:

- Install the bolts - 1 through 11 - by hand.

- Then tighten the bolts - 1 through 7 - in a diagonal sequence in stages to 15 Nm.

- Tighten bolts - 8 through 11 - to 15 Nm.

Accessory Assembly Bracket - Tightening Specifications and Tightening Sequence

Ribbed Belt Transmission Side Sealing Flange - Tightening Specifications and Sequence

- Tighten sealing flange bolts on the transmission side in 3 stages as follows:

1. Install the bolts - 1 through 8 - by hand.

2. Then tighten the bolts - 1 through 6 - in a diagonal sequence in stages to 15 Nm.

3. Tight the bolts - 7 - and - 8 - to 15 Nm.

Oil Spray Jet and Pressure Relief Valve

1. Bolt with pressure relief valve - 27 Nm

2. Oil spray jet (for piston cooling)