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Subframe, Lower Transverse Link, Upper Transverse Link, Tie Rod, Level Control System Sensor Overview

Subframe, Lower Transverse Link, Upper Transverse Link, Tie Rod, Level Control System Sensor Overview

1 - Eccentric Bolt

Perform a vehicle alignment after loosening. Refer to => [ Wheel Alignment ] Wheel Alignment.

Do not turn more than 90° left or right (that is, smallest to largest possible adjustment)

2 - Nut

95 Nm

Always replace if removed.

Always tighten threaded connections in curb weight position. Refer to => [ Wheel Bearing, Lifting To Curb Weight Position ] Rear Suspension.

3 - Eccentric Washer

Inner hole with tab

4 - Eccentric Bolt

Perform a vehicle alignment after loosening. Refer to => [ Wheel Alignment ] Wheel Alignment.

Do not turn more than 90° left or right (that is, smallest to largest possible adjustment)

5 - Eccentric Washer

Inner hole with tab

6 - Nut

95 Nm

Always replace if removed.

Always tighten threaded connections in curb weight position. Refer to => [ Wheel Bearing, Lifting To Curb Weight Position ] Rear Suspension.

Adjust torque wrench 40-200 Nm (V.A.G 1332) to 80 Nm when tightening nut.

This torque specification applies only in conjunction with Insert Tool (T10179).

7 - Subframe

Subframe mount, removing and installing => [ Subframe Mount ] Subframe Mount

8 - Bolt

90 Nm + 90° turn

Always replace if removed.

9 - Lower Transverse Link

Removing and Installing, refer to => [ Lower Transverse Link ] Lower Transverse Link

10 - Bolt

Always replace if removed.

11 - Nut

90 Nm + 90° turn

Always replace if removed.

Always tighten threaded connections in curb weight position. Refer to => [ Wheel Bearing, Lifting To Curb Weight Position ] Rear Suspension.

12 - Left Rear Level Control System Sensor (G76) and Right Rear Level Control System Sensor (G77)

Removing and Installing, refer to => [ Left Rear Level Control System Sensor (G76) and Right Rear Level Control System Sensor (G77) ] Left Rear Level Control System Sensor (G76) and Right Rear Level Control System Sensor (G77)

13 - Bolt

5 Nm

14 - Upper Transverse Link

Removing and Installing, refer to => [ Upper Transverse Link ] Upper Transverse Link

15 - Washer

16 - Bolt

130 Nm + 90° turn

Always replace if removed.

Always tighten threaded connections in curb weight position. Refer to => [ Wheel Bearing, Lifting To Curb Weight Position ] Rear Suspension.

17 - Nut

Always replace if removed.

18 - Wheel Bearing Housing

Removing and Installing, refer to => [ Wheel Bearing Housing ] Wheel Bearing Housing

19 - Washer

20 - Nut

Always replace if removed.

21 - Washer

22 - Washer

23 - Bolt

130 Nm + 90° turn

Always replace if removed.

Always tighten threaded connections in curb weight position. Refer to => [ Wheel Bearing, Lifting To Curb Weight Position ] Rear Suspension.

24 - Tie Rod

Removing and Installing, refer to => [ Tie Rod ] Tie Rod

Closed in direction of travel

25 - Crossmember

26 - Bolt

27 - Nut

90 Nm + 90° turn

Always replace if removed.

Always tighten threaded connections in curb weight position. Refer to => [ Wheel Bearing, Lifting To Curb Weight Position ] Rear Suspension.

28 - Bolt

5 Nm

29 - Bolt

Always replace if removed.

30 - Nut

50 Nm + 180° turn

Always replace if removed.