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Door, Adjusting

Door, Adjusting

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

Adjusting gauge (3371)

Template (T40038/7)

Adjusting with Template (T40038/7)

- The position of the door in relation to the sides, the height and the rear window can be checked using the template.

- The distance to the side window can be checked using the grading for dimension - a -.

- The recess of the door to the fender or the side panel to the door can be checked with gradings for dimensions - b - and - c -.

- The template must be positioned at a distance of - a - = 100 mm from the rear edge of the door window or at the front as an extension from the windshield upper edge - arrow - to the roof trim molding.

- In the illustration show (min marking on window side), window is adjusted correctly when both contact surfaces - a - and - b - contact the door window and the contact surface on the roof trim molding shows a small gap.

- If the upper contact surface - a - does not make contact with the door window, the window is adjusted to far inward.

- In the illustration shown (max marking on window side), the window is adjusted correctly when the contact surfaces makes contact with the roof trim molding and the upper contact surface - a - of the template shows a small gap.

- If the contact surface of the template does not make contact with the roof trim molding, the door window is too far out.

Height adjustment

- Apply a marking to an adhesive strip - 2 - at a distance of - a - = 17 mm, measured from the upper edge of the door window.

- Position template as shown and slide upward as far as the stop on the roof trim strip - 1 -.

- When adjusted correctly, the marking must be located in the area of the small grading as shown.

Adjustment to side window

- Slide template as show between guide rail - 4 - on side window - 1 - and door window - 2 - into door seal - 3 -.

- The door window must be in the area of the small groove.

Gap dimensions

The gap dimensions can be checked with the Adjustment Gauge (3371).

Dimension - A - = 3.5 mm +/- 0.5 mm

Dimension - B - = 3.5 mm +/- 0.5 mm

Dimension - C - = 0 mm to -1 mm.

Dimension - D - = 0 mm to +1 mm

Adjustment via striker

- Loosen bolts - 2 -.

- Slide striker - 1 - until the door shell is flush with the contour of the chassis.

- Tighten screws to 20 Nm.

The striker should only be adjusted toward the vehicle center and not height-wise, otherwise the lock can be damaged.