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Convertible Top, Adjusting

Convertible Top, Adjusting

Convertible Top Spring-Back Dimension

For correct convertible top adjustment, a spring-back dimension of 35 +/- 5 mm must be maintained.

Close the convertible top from the stored state via switch operation until the hydraulic pump switches off.

The front side of the convertible top main bearing must be installed parallel to the front wall of the convertible top compartment.

The dimension between the roof frame crossmember and front rail must now be 35 +/- 5 mm.

If the dimension 35 +/- 5 mm is not maintained, the position of the main bearing must be checked for parallel alignment with respect to the convertible top front wall and adjusted if necessary.

If the spring-back dimension is still not within the tolerance specifications after these measures, it can be corrected via the adjusting screw on the front main bearing.

Adjustment Dimensions at Main Bracket

1 Bolt

Before removing the convertible top, screw in the screw for convertible top height adjustment to the stop on convertible top compartment floor.

2 Convertible top main bearing

Before removing the convertible top, measure the distance from the main bearing to the convertible top compartment front wall, distance - a -.

When installing the convertible top, the same parallel distance must be set.

After convertible top installation, the screw for convertible top height adjustment must be turned back approx. 2 revolutions.

When installing the convertible top, the parallel distance must be - a - = 30 mm for the preadjustment.

When correctly set, the centering pin of the convertible top must retract at the front center end plate.

If necessary, the dimension of 30 mm on the main bearing front side can be shifted parallel to the convertible top compartment front wall.

3 Main bearing front side

4 Convertible top compartment front wall

Adjusting Screw for Spring-back Dimension

If the spring-back dimension is not within the tolerance range despite the correct settings at the main bearing, it can additionally be corrected by adjusting the adjusting screw - arrow - at the front main bearing.

- The spring-back dimension can be reduced by turning the adjusting screw to the left.

- The spring-back dimension can be increased by turning the adjusting screw to the right.

Screw for Convertible Top Height Adjustment

- Prior to convertible top removal, the screw for convertible top height adjustment - 1 - on lower main bearing - 2 - must be unscrewed to the convertible top compartment floor.

Height Adjustment at Main Bearing

- During installation, the main bearing must be installed for preadjustment at a distance of - a - = 77 mm from the convertible top compartment front wall with respect to the upper edge of the main bearing front side.

Gap Dimensions on Convertible Top

The gap dimensions are set by adjusting at the main bearing.

Measure the dimension - c - from the forward edge of the rear lid outward

Dimension - d - must be measured from the side panel starting at the main bearing.

Dimension - f - can be adjusted by placing adjustment shims on the upper seal guide rails => [ Seal, Adjusting ] Convertible Top Seals.

Dimension - a - = 7 mm

Dimension - b - = 1.5 mm

Dimension - b - can be adjusted by adding or removing shims between the front rail and convertible top lock.

Dimension - c - = 14 mm

Dimension - d - = 4.5 mm

Dimension - e - = 1.5 mm

Dimension - f - = 12 mm

Adjust the dimension - f - by adding or removing washers from between the guide rail and roof guide, refer to => [ Seal, Adjusting ] Convertible Top Seals

1 Body window crossmember

2 Convertible top

3 Body

4 Side panel

5 Door window