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Diagnostic Mode 04 - Erase DTC Memory

Diagnostic Mode 04 - Erase DTC Memory

Diagnostic Mode 04 makes it possible to erase the DTC memory and to reset all emissions-related diagnostic data. In that way, all faults in the DTC memory in the ECM and TCM are erased. The adaptation values may also be reset.

Emissions-related diagnostic data includes (as applicable):

- MIL Status

- Number of DTCs

- Readiness bits

- Confirmed DTCs

- Pending DTCs

- DTC that belongs to freeze frame

- Freeze frame data

- Test results of specific diagnostic functions

- Distance driven with "MIL ON"

- Number of warm-up cycles after erasing the DTC memory

- Distance driven after erasing the DTC memory

- Misfire counter

Depending on scan tool and protocol used, diagnostic mode 04 and the information provided may be referred to by a different name.


- Connect the scan tool.

- Switch the ignition on.

- Select Diagnostic Mode 03: Interrogating fault memory.

- Then select Mode 4: Reset/delete diagnostic data.

The scan tool will display: Diagnostic data are being erased.

- Switch the ignition off.