Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Head Curtain Airbag Additional Safety Precautions

Head Curtain Airbag Additional Safety Precautions

Visually check trim for damage before installing.

Do not make any repairs to the trims (upper A-pillar trim, B-pillar trim, C-pillar trim, and D-pillar trim).

Ensure secure trim seating when installing.

Replace entire module when making repairs behind side curtain airbag.

Handle head curtain airbag modules with great care when removing and installing them to prevent causing any damage.

Place any removed head curtain airbag modules back in their transport containers or on a clean and even surface with a cloth underneath.

After servicing the body in the vicinity of the head curtain airbag, check the body for welding beads, deformation and chafe marks (compare with opposite side of vehicle if necessary).

As long as the gas generator is NOT attached, hold it securely when transporting, removing, installing, etc.

Never rotate, coil, knot, throw, slide, push, hang, squeeze, press, pinch or clamp head curtain airbag module.

They may be folded as long as this does not damage them, especially the protective sleeve.