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Cell Phone - Poor Call Quality, Commands Not Recognized

91 Poor call quality, voice activated commands not recognized

91 13 76


February 22, 2013

Vehicle Information


Call quality using the hands-free function is poor. Additionally, voice-activated functions may be restricted. The call recipient may claim:

^ The driver sounds muffled.

^ The voice of the driver is quiet.

^ The driver's voice is accompanied by background interference.

^ Voice activated commands are not recognized.

Technical Background

Various malfunctions can result from the normal airflow out of center instrument panel vents that are directed upward at the microphones in the roof module, which can limit microphone sensitivity.

Production Solution

New software for the air conditioning/heating control unit is implemented. This update will suspend airflow from the center vents while the voice control system is in use, but it will not adjust the airflow from these vents during a phone call in which the hands-free function is in use.


SVM Update Instructions

1. Follow all instructions in the attached TSB, 2011732 00 Software Version Management (SVM), operating instructions.

2. Update the Climatronic control module, J255 (08), using the SVM action code as listed in the table below, if necessary.

3. After the update is complete, continue with the test plan by setting adaptation channel 13. Select Store blower setting with terminal 15 off manually". Select the setting Do not store".

4. Please instruct the customer that when using the hands-free telephone operation that the center outlets must not be pointed upward toward the roof module or interference in the call will occur.


All warranty claims submitted for payment must be in accordance with the Audi Warranty Policies and Procedures Manual. Claims are subject to review or audit by Audi Warranty.

Additional Information

The following Technical Service Bulletin will be necessary to complete this procedure:

^ TSB 2011732 00 Software Version Management (SVM), operating instructions.

All part and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Dept. and service manuals for the latest information.