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1.2.1 - Speedometer

1.2.1 Speedometer

Set selector switch (3) to km/h or mph, and turn knob (7) against left stop; speedometer needle points to 0.

Turn knob (7) clockwise slowly; speedometer needle passes through the display range.

Note: The simulator is designed for Speedometers with a display range of 280 km/h. If the display range of a speedometer is smaller, it could happen that after reaching the final display value and increasing the frequency with knob (7) the needle would fall back to an undefined display value, When increasing the frequency again, the needle would start from this display value and pass through the display range.

The set frequency can be measured on the yellow jack with a BMW service test unit (multimeter 14) - see operating instructions of BMW service test unit.

Yellow connection terminal FREQ in + in yellow jack; Black connection terminal FREQ in - on B - of battery

Green LED (4) indicates the 100 meter pulse required for the service indicator (SI) and economy control (EC). The LED must come on and go out in 100 meter intervals (not for final display value).

(Not applicable to 2nd generation SI.)