Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

1.2.6 - Service Indicator

1.2.6 Service Indicator


Car engine starting can be simulated with starting button (6).

Press and hold starting button (6) at least two seconds before releasing.

The green LEDs for SI go Out.

SI 2nd Generation

The LEDs of SI begin to light up several seconds after switching on (switch at ON).

The green LEDs go out when reaching a speed of approx. 600 rpm.

LEDs are turned on again each time the simulator is switched off and on again afterwards.

SI can be reset with buttons (8 and 9).
Button 8: OIL SERVICE reset
Button 9: INSPECTION reset

The pertinent interval will be cancelled by pressing a button briefly.

The time of resetting is indicated by a lamp in the pertinent button.

The SI can be adjusted with button (10).

The SI runs off at intervals of about 10 seconds by pressing button (10).

This diagram shows the runoff of SI.

Note: The BMW 524td has two OIL SERVICES between each inspection

This sketch shows the runoff of 2nd generation SI.

Note: BMW 524td cars have two oil services after each inspection.

Oil Service Interval:

- Resetting "OIL SERVICE"

"OIL SERVICE" sign and yellow (possibly red) LED on.

Brief reset (8) will cancel the display.

All five green LEDs come on

- Resetting "INSPECTION"

"INSPECTION" sign and yellow (possibly red) LED on.

Long reset (9) will cancel the display.

All five green LEDs come on.
The time counter is not influenced!
Time counter can be reset with a second reset (9).

- Resetting "TIME SYMBOL"

"TIME SYMBOL" and one or more green LEDs on.

Long reset (9) will cancel the time symbol and time counter.
Green LEDs are not influenced!

Distance counter can be reset with a second reset (9).