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Plug-In TDC Indicator - Four Cylinder Engines Only.

A plug-in TDC indicator is inserted in a hole in the right side of the bell housing to allow accurate timing of the engine utilizing a BMW SERVICE TEST Unit or BMW (Siemens) digital ignition tester.

Note: This tool may also be used on late production 1983 320i models beginning with the following chassis numbers:

320i - 8 391 257
320iA - 8 073 379

The plug-in TDC indicator is used with four cylinder 15 pin diagnostic plug equipped vehicles in conjunction with cables shown in SI 00 07 80 (481). REMOVE THE PLUG-IN TDC INDICATOR FROM THE CABLES WHEN WORKING ON SIX CYLINDER VEHICLES.

Press both buttons and push inward completely for a tight fit. Spring tension holds it in place.


The plug-in TDC indicator can be easily removed by pressing both buttons.


The plug-in TDC indicator should be installed and removed only with the engine turned off.

P/N 88 88 6 121 400 Price $170.00