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Locks: Description and Operation



The Central Locking System is controlled by the Central Locking Control Unit. This unit senses when a lock switch is moved by a key, and sends the appropriate signal to drive the Motors. The Central Locking Control Unit controls the Door Locks, Gas Filler Lock and Trunk Lock. The unit also has an Inertia Switch which closes on impact greater than 5g. If in RUN or START the locks are then unlocked

When the Key is inserted into a lock and turned clockwise, the Lock switch moves to LOCK and grounds terminal 7 of the Central Locking Control Unit. The unit then activates the Lock Relay and applies voltage from Fuse 27 to the Lock Motor, which is grounded through the Central Locking Control Unit terminal 2. The Lock Motor then pulls the lock down. The door locks also control the Trunk Lock and Gas Filler Lock.

When the key is turned counterclockwise, terminal 6 of the Central Locking Control Unit is grounded through the Lock Switch. The Central Locking Control Unit then activates the Unlock Relay and applies voltage from Fuse 27, through terminal 2 to the Lock Motor. The motor is grounded through the Cental Locking Control Unit terminal 1. The polarity is reversed and the motor pushes the lock up.

Unlock Inhibit
When the key is inserted into the Driver's Lock and turned clockwise past the LOCK position, the Unlock Inhibit mechanism is engaged. This mechanically inserts a bar into the driver's lock and prevents unlocking through use of the Safety Catch Button. When in the Unlock Inhibit position, ground is applied to the Unlock Inhibit motors in the other lock units. The Central Locking Control Unit is grounded at terminal 10 and then activates the Lock Relay. Voltage is applied to the Unlock Inhibit motors through terminal 1. They are now activated and engage the other Unlock Inhibit mechanisms. The direction of the motors is reversed when the doors are unlocked (see Unlock).

Trunk Lock
The Trunk Lock operates in a manner similar to the Door Locks.