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Automatic Transmission/Transaxle: Adjustments


Prior to adjusting linkage, ensure that bearing bracket and linkage pivots are free from excessive play, and that selector rod is properly positioned in transmission operating lever. On all models except 320i, rod should be connected in hole without code letters. On 320i models less A/C, rod should be connected in rear hole on lever. On 320i with A/C, rod should be connected to front hole in lever and wedged shims should be in place between selector lever bracket and floor pan.
1. Disconnect selector rod from lower section of selector lever, then place selector lever in Neutral position.
2. Rotate lever on transmission to fully forward position, then move lever back 3 detents to Neutral position.
3. Hold manual selector lever against forward stop in shift gate, then adjust length of selector rod until shift rod pin is aligned with hole in lower section of selector lever.
4. Shorten selector rod by rotating pin and adjuster assembly 1 to 2 turns, release selector lever, then connect selector rod to lower section of selector lever.
5. Check transmission operation in all selector lever positions.


1. Ensure that accelerator cable, full throttle setting and throttle stop are properly adjusted.

Fig. 2 Adjusting accelerator & kickdown cables.:

2. With engine off and throttle lever against stop, check clearance ``S'' between throttle cable stop (5) and end of cable housing (6), Fig. 2.
3. If clearance is not .010 to .030 inch, loosen cable locknuts (1) and adjust cable housing as needed.
4. Loosen locknut (3) and rotate kickdown stop (2), Fig. 2, clockwise.
5. Depress accelerator pedal until transmission kickdown pressure point is felt and hold accelerator pedal position.
6. Rotate pedal stop counterclockwise until stop just contacts pedal, then secure adjustment with locknut.
7. Fully depress accelerator pedal to final kickdown position, then measure clearance between cable stop (5) and housing (6), Fig. 2.
8. Clearance should be 1.732 inch. If clearance is not as specified, repeat procedure.