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Clutch - Master Cylinder Modifications


GROUP 21 Clutch
Bulletin Number 21 02 87 (1472) Page 1 of 1
Montvale, NJ November 1987 Technical Dept.
SUBJECT: Clutch Master Cylinder

MODELS: I. All (Except E32) II. E32


I. + II. Pistons of clutch master cylinders are being changed to a plastic material, previously aluminum. At the same time, the compression spring is omitted since it is no longer necessary.

Replacement Parts:
I. The repair kit (P/N 21 52 1 156 001) is now available with the above changes.

II. A new repair kit (P/N 21 52 1 158 144) will be introduced with the above changes.

Repair Information:
I. + II. Repair kits having either aluminum or plastic pistons may be used interchangeably when performing repairs. However, be sure to remove the spring from the master cylinder (if not removed already) when using a repair kit having a plastic piston.

II. When installing a master cylinder with plastic piston, it will be noticed that there
is no preload on the thrust rod (no compression spring) if pushed in by hand.