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Flushing Radiator


If oil has penetrated into the coolant circuit, the radiator and expansion tank will have to be flushed and cleaned with approved Solvethane.

1. Remove radiator and expansion tank.

2. Pour in 2 to 3 liters (4 to 6 pints) of Solvethane.

3. Shake radiator and tank thoroughly and drain after oil has been dissolved (2 to 3 minutes).

4. Install cleaned radiator and expansion tank, and connect on coolant circuit.

5. Fill entire cooling system with hot water and flush thoroughly by replacing hot water several times to guarantee removal of solvethane residue.

6. Check drained coolant for traces of oil and repeat test step 5 (if necessary). Fill and bleed cooling system as normally after finishing the cleaning procedures.

Solvethane attacks rubber seals, hoses, etc. and consequently must not be permitted to enter or remain in the cooling system.

Always conform with safety measures for the handling of Solvethane (printed on cans).