Case 1 - Check Engine Light On
Correction: In case of a "CHECK ENGINE light on" complaint, as well as in all cases where a vehicle of the specified production range is encountered that has not been previously modified, replace the diagnostic cap with a new cap (P/N 12 52 1 724 690).
Scope of
Repair: Replace the diagnostic cap on:
- All vehicles within the above production range with "CHECK ENGINE" light illuminated and fault code 01 (self-test negative) in the DME fault memory and which have not previously been modified under Service Action code number 20.
- All vehicles within the above production range in new/used car inventory which have not previously been modified under Service Action code number 20.
- All vehicles within the above production range visiting the workshop for any reason (e.g. routine service, etc.) which have not previously been modified under Service Action code number 20.
Procedure: - Call up and print the DME fault memory contents (if any).
- Cancel fault memory of DME.
- Install new diagnostic connector cap.
- Verify correct "CHECK ENGINE" light function and engine operation.
Action Label
Instructions: This Service Action has been assigned code number 20. After the prescribed work has been performed, obtain a label (P/N 01 99 9 750 968) and
a) emboss your BMW dealer warranty number in the middle of the label.
b) punch out code number 20 printed on the label.
c) bend label to crease an edge and remove the backing paper. Then affix it to the "B" pillar (on driver's front door) as shown.
If the car affected already has a label from a previous Service Action/Recall Campaign, affix this new label next to the old one. Do not affix one label on top of another one because a number from an underlying label could appear in the punched out hole of the new label.
Vehicles which already have a label with code number 20 punched out do not need to have a second label installed.