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Defect Code 80, 81, 82, 83

Defect Codes 80, 81, 82, 83:

*D* Defect code memory: 80, 81, 82, 83 Rear Axle Valve Defects:

Determine damper valve in question by reading out the measured value tables (appear in the diagnostic program, during troubleshooting of the relevant defect or in the status lists) and by alternately detaching the connections at the dampers (connector of rear left or rear right damper).

Troubleshooting defect code 80:
Check wire, and repair if necessary: From 10-pin control unit connector Pin 3 via connector of activation lines to corresponding device connector and further to the damper.

Troubleshooting defect code 81:
Check wire, and repair if necessary: From 10-pin control unit connector Pin 8 via connector of supply lines to corresponding device connector and further to the damper.

Troubleshooting defect code 82:
Check wire and repair if necessary: From 10-pin control unit connector Pin 5 via connector of activation lines to corresponding device connector and further to the damper.

Troubleshooting defect code 83:
Check wire and repair if necessary: From 10-pin control unit connector Pin 8 via connector if supply lines to corresponding device connector and further to the damper.