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Defect Code 02

Defect Code 02:

*D* 900 Defect code memory: Defect code 02 is stored:

Explanation: The general module detects via the diagnostic link from the ADV module Pin 7 to the general module connector D (yellow) Pin 25 whether the ADV relay pulls up and drops out again when the windscreen wiper pressure control (ADV) is activated. The defect code is also stored when the line itself has a break or when the ADV module (ADM) is removed.

Possible cause: Wires GM-ADV module, ADV module (ADM), fuse for ADV, ground connection.


1. Check fuse and power supply for ADV module Pin 4, repair if necessary.

2. Check ground wire to ADV module Pin 8, repair is necessary.

3. Check wires from general module to ADV module (ADM), repair if necessary. From general module B20 to ADM Pin 6, from general module B6 to ADM Pin 9, from general module D25 to ADM Pin 7.

4. If the fuse and all wires are OK, renew ADV module (ADM).