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Code 17 (DK Motor Potentiometer 7-12)

This defect code is stored when the control unit detects opening or closing of the EML Throttle Valve (DK) switch and this does not comply with the calculated throttle (DK) angle or the throttle (DK) angle is outside the valid angle range, (approx. -3° to approx. 94°).

Effect: When defect code Is set (Electronic Throttle Control (EML) warning lamp ON): Output reduction by limited throttle (DK) opening angle and controlling the maximum throttle opening about the throttle (DK) switch opening point.

NOTE: Particular care must be taken when checking the throttle (DK) potentiometer (status monitoring) to ensure that the throttle (DK) switch is "OFF" approx. >17° DK potentiometer value.

- Check throttle (DK) switch and throttle (DK) potentiometer (status monitoring).
- Check voltage supply for potentiometer and throttle (DK) switch (approx. 5 Volt) from the EML control unit to the throttle valve at the throttle valve.
- Check wires from the EML control unit to the throttle valve.
- Check throttle DK switch and throttle (DK) potentiometer for continuity (potentiometer test with oscilloscope).
- Proceed with other displayed scan tool diagnostic instructions where applicable.