Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

1. Logistical Information (1 Thru 1.9)

For Driver Front, and Passenger Front deactivations, before the process can begin, the customer must have the necessary:

-- NHTSA letter of authorization

-- NHTSA information brochure

-- NHTSA labels

1.1 Information for Side Airbags only

Provide the customer with the form "Information Concerning Side Airbag Deactivation".

1.2 Authorization from the Customer

Obtain the necessary authorization from the customer for airbag deactivation by completing form "Authorization to Deactivate an Air Bag".

1.3 Order Necessary Components
Refer to Parts Information section of this bulletin.

Dates specified in Parts Information are approximate. If in doubt, confirm actual equipment level by vehicle examination.

Replacement safety belts are necessary on some vehicles, as later model vehicles have load-limiting safety belts, which are designed to be used in conjunction with an active airbag. In a severe impact, load-limiting belts allow slightly more stretch, to minimize the force on the occupant's body. When deactivating the respective airbag, these load limiting belts must be replaced by non load-limiting belts.


E36 from March 97 must have the pyrotechnic pre-tensioner replaced with a mechanical pre-tensioner when the airbag is deactivated.

1.4 Get Labels
For Driver Front, and Passenger Front airbag deactivations, confirm the availability of the label provided to the customer by NHTSA. If not available, this label can be obtained from BMW. Refer to Parts Information in this SI. Other required labels are available in the parts packages described in Parts Information.

1.5 Customer Appointment
Once the above components are in dealer stock, contact the customer and arrange an appointment.

Be aware that a code has to be obtained from BMWNA in order to Deactivate /Reactivate an airbag. This code is specific to the date of programming, the VIN, and the dealer number programmed in the DIS/MoDiC tester. Deactivation/Reactivation will not proceed unless all these criteria are met.

1.6 Obtain Code

Complete "Deactivation/Reactivation Request" form (Part 1), and fax to BMWNA 201 930-8401 together with:

a) The customer's NHTSA letter of authorization (Only required for front airbag deactivation)

b) Form "Authorization to Deactivate an Air Bag" (see paragraph 1.2 above)

1.7 Code Notification

A deactivation/reactivation "Code" will be faxed back to the dealer within 24 hours.

The "Code" is specific to the dealer number programmed in the DIS/MODiC tester, and the date on which the deactivation/reactivation is to be carried out, and the VIN. Deactivation will not proceed unless all these criteria are met.

1.8 Deactivation/Reactivation Process
On receipt of the "Code", and on the predetermined day for Deactivation /Reactivation, proceed with the Technical procedure detailed in paragraph 2.

1.9 Documentation
It is important that all documentation be completed and copies provided as follows:

a) Customer: "Authorization to Deactivate an Air Bag" White copy

b) Retailer file: NHTSA letter of authorization "Authorization to Deactivate an Air Bag" Yellow copy
Airbag Deactivation/Reactivation Request (Part 2 must be completed)

c) BMWNA: "Authorization to Deactivate an Air Bag" Pink copy Airbag Deactivation/Reactivation Request (Part 2 must be completed)

Forms must be faxed to BMW NA:
at: (201) 930-8401


mailed to BMW NA:

at: BMW NA, BMW Plaza,
Montvale, NJ 07645
Attn: Quality and Service Engineering