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Handset/Cradle Mount Installation

Figure 8:

1. See Figure 8. Unfasten rear section of center console by removing the 10 mm flange nut located below the rear ashtray insert. Push the console section towards the rear of the vehicle (approximatety 1 inch) to disengage the two front locating tabs.

2. Remove rubber boot from hand brake lever and carefully lift the console section up over the hand brake lever and out of the vehicle.

3. See Figure 8. Cut access hole in right rear corner of console storage well for data cable rotaing. Minimum recommended size of hole is 19 mm (3/4") diameter.

4. Insert telephone handset cradle mounting bracket irtto console storage well. Use the two holes located on the bottom of the bracket support legs as a guide to drill two 4.5 mm (3/16 inch) diameter holes thru the bottom of the console storage well.

5. Remove cradle mounting bracket from console well and install two large "U" Tinnerman clips over the two holes located on the bottom of the two bracket support legs.

6. See Figure 8. Assemble telephone handset cradle/ cradle mounting plate to cradle mounting bracket.
7. Fasten cradle mounting bracket to console by installing two # 12 x 1/2, sheet metal screws and washers thru two drilled holes in bottom of console storage well.

8. Reposition console section in vehicle (do not retighten at this time). Route data cable thru access hole cut in right rear corner of console storage well upthru hole in cradle mounting plate. Leave a sufficient length of cable to connect to handset cradle.