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Intruments - Multi-Function Digital Clock Description


GROUP 65 Radio and Special Equipment
Bulletin Number 65 02 85 (2044) Page 1 of 2
Montvale, NJ November 1985 Technical Dept.
SUBJECT: Multi-Function Digital Clock

MODELS: 325 and 524 td

The multi-function digital clock can provide, besides the time function, the outside temperature, the date and an audible reminder signal.

Three display programs: 12-hour clock/~F 12-hour clock/~C 24-hour clock/~C can be selected at a switch on the back of the unit. For the U.S. market, the 12-hour clock/~F display are programmed.

Display brightness is automatically controlled by a photo-sensitive transistor, depending on the amount of outside light.

At ignition key position 0 and beyond, the date and time will be displayed after pushing the appropriate button.

At the ignition key position 1, the time is displayed and changes can be entered.

The unit is operated by 4 function buttons and 2 input buttons. The individual displays are obtained by pressing the appropriate button.
The time or date may be entered by pushing the appropriate HOUR or DATE button for three (3) seconds until a flashing dot appears on the display. (Note: The time function is shown by a clock symbol and the date function by the letters DAT.)

If time is to be entered, push the h/DAT button to set the hour and the min/DAT button to set the minutes. (By holding the button down, the display will increase by 1 every half second). The date function is entered the same way. To start the clock running, push the HOUR button.

To start the date (calendar program) function, push the DATE button. The flashing dot will also stop. The date display disregards leap years and must be corrected manually.

When the MEMO button is pushed, the time reminder is activated and an audible signal (consisting of 3 beeps) will sound 15 seconds before each full hour. This function is indicated in the display by the letters ME.


The outside temperature is displayed when the TEMP button is pressed. At ignition key position 1 and beyond, a warning signal sounds when the outside temperature falls below 37~F. At the same time, the Fahrenheit scale (~F) and the dot will flash for 10 seconds.

If another function is selected during this period and then the temperature display is selected again, only the flashing visual warning occurs; the acoustical warning signal will not sound. However, if the temperature since the last warning has risen above 43~F and then dropped again below 37~F, the visual and acoustical warning signals are repeated.

To prevent incorrect temperature displays for instance, from exhaust or engine heat in a stop-and-go traffic situation, the temperature display is connected to a movement identifying signal from the speedometer. As soon as the signal for movement falls below 4 mph, the temperature shown in the display is locked in. As the speed increases above 4 mph (and more than 30 seconds have passed), the temperature function will go into its normal sensing mode.

The temperature range that can be presented on the display is from -49~F to +113~F.