Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Update Instructions



The following instructions will update your Service Information Index and Retrieval Software.

Please follow these instructions to update the existing Service Information Index program on your PC.

1) Turn computer ON.

2) Open diskette drive door.

3) Slide diskette into drive A with label side up and towards you. Do not force or bend the diskette.

4) Exit your DCS menu and answer "NO" to backup.

7) At the "C: DCS >" prompt, type the command "A:INSTALL" and press ENTER.

NOTE: Some PCs are not configured to display the correct prompt. If this occurs type the command "PROMPT $P$G" and press ENTER to dispfay accurate directory listings.

EXAMPLE: Exiting the DCS menu and the prompt reads "C:/ > or "C >" instead of "C:/DCS > ".

6) Installation screen will appear; it will prompt the user to:

a. Press any key to continue installation.

b. Press the "Ctrl" and "Pause/Break" key at the same time to cancel installation.

7) When installation is complete a "C:/ >" prompt will appear.

8) If the prompt does not read "C: DCS >", type the command "CD DCS" and press ENTER.

9) Entering and Exiting the Program:

a. At the "C: DCS >" prompt type the command "ANA". This will execute the Service Information program.

b. At the "C: DCS >" prompt type the command "AUTOEXEC". This will execute the DCS menu.