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How to Load C11.0 Software With the MODIC Station

1. Place C11.0 in the MODIC Station Drive.

2. Press 2 -- Load diskette then --

3. Press 1 coding and

4. Screen says "Program Overwrite?" Y or N

5. Press "Y"-- Disc A will now load. Please note that if you do not have an earlier version of this software in your MODIC you will not have to perform steps 4 and 5.

6. After Disc A loads completely remove Disc A and replace it with Disc B. During loading the MODIC screen will display a bar graph. When the bar reaches the right side of the screen loading of the disc is complete.

7. Press 2, "Load Diskette" to display the disc B menu. If you wish to check and see if your MODIC has enough memory press "C". The screen will display the amount of memory that each section of the disc needs and how much memory remains in your MODIC (black box on the right)

Special Note:
Attach the MODIC to a car and press the "C" to erase parts of the loaded program. You erase a program by simply pressing the number and

8. Press one of the menu choices to partially load disc B. Load only 1 selection at a time.

9. If you attempt to load a program and there is insufficient memory for it, the MODIC will display "Memory Insufficient. Do you want to erase Y or N."

If "Y" is entered a menu screen will allow you to pick which software you wish to erase.