Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Repair Procedure

Repair Procedure for Broken Door Hinge Studs

Remove the inner door panel, remove door, and place on a covered work bench with outer (skin) panel facing bench.

Note: 5- and 7-Series front and rear door lower hinge repairs can be accomplished without removing the door.

The following steps apply to all hinges except E30 rear door bottom hinge, which has separate instructions on page 5.

Remove the remaining nut from the broken hinge retainer.

Leave at least one shim in place to protect the door frame. Use a pair of locking pliers to grasp the remaining stud and pull up. Use an abrasive wheel cutoff tool to remove both studs as close to flush as possible.

NOTE: Protect painted areas from sparks.

View of retainer with studs cut off.

The retaining plate is held in place by a tab, which must be bent back to allow removal of the plate. (Door skin has been removed for purposes of illustration.)

Use a screwdriver or other suitable tool to get between the door frame and the retaining plate, and pry the retaining plate back. Use care not to damage the door skin.

Once the tab has been bent back, slide the plate out of position and remove.

Use two screwdrivers to flatten the tab against the door frame.

Inside view showing flattening of tab.

Insert a thin piece of wire through the hole in the door frame to guide the new retaining plate into place.

Inside view of the new retaining plate in place.

NOTE: The chamfered side of the plate must face away from the door frame.

Screw the two new studs into place in the retaining plate with a screwdriver.

Reinstall the hinge half and original shims into original position, and torque the nuts to 22 +/- 0.5 N-m.

Touch up new studs with paint, spray rustproofing on new retaining plate, and reinstall door.