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2. "Exchange Control Module"

This step is used to:

1. Determine and program a replacement basic control module. This affects DME 3.1, 3.3.1, 3.3, 5.2(M73) only. Under no circumstances should the parts microfiche be used in place of the determination step.


2. Reprogram a Flash programmable control module. Refer to "Flash Programming Features" for complete flash programming information (SI 12 05 96).

The programming procedure is divided into 2 steps.

Step 1 - Determining the basic control module.

The MODIC reads the data (chassis number, part number of the basic control module, and part number of the programmed control module) necessary for determining a replacement control module from the defective control module and will display the acceptable replacement part number(s) which need to be installed in that vehicle.

Two part numbers will be displayed. The first number is for a new basic programmable control module. The second number is for a remanufactured basic programmable control module. Only order the remanufactured part number.

If automatic determination is not possible, the data may be read off the label of the defective control module and entered manually into the MODIC.

Step 2 - Programming the basic control module.

The MODIC programs the newly installed basic control module with the aid of the data derived in step 1. The new control module label can be printed out by the MODIC station printer, or completed by hand. The MODIC programs the basic control module with the latest data.

Basic control modules may only be programmed one time per EPROM replacement. If a basic control module can no longer be programmed the message "Basic control module defective. Install new control module" is displayed.

Extensive help information is available by pressing the "C" key on the MODIC. This help information is only available when the "C" key is displayed.

Be advised that there may not be a Basic Programmable Control Module available for all DME Control Module versions. In this case, a new pre-programmed control module must be installed.