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Injection/Ignition Cut Out Request Signals

OBC/DWA - START INTERLOCK (up to 8-93 production)
On these early Systems, a request is produced by the board computer with a set "code" function, or by DWA with an armed alarm that has been activated.

A voltage signal is produced as an input to the engine control module which activates it's programmed start interlock feature. With this signal present, ignition and injection is cancelled which prevents the engine from being started.

DRIVEAWAY PROTECTION CIRCUIT (from 9-93 thru 12-93 production)

A driveaway protection circuit was added from the General Module to the DME. This added circuit was spliced into the existing BC code circuit to the DME.

When the vehicle is locked from the outside the General Module is prepared to provide a 12 volt signal to the DME. Any attempt to start the vehicle without first unlocking the the vehicle causes the GM to send the 12 volts to the DME resulting in a no start condition.

Diagnosis and troubleshooting for no start conditions must include this variant of the drive- away protection feature on vehicles built in this production range. The status pages of the ZKE and DME will show the condition of this input as high/active or low/not active.