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Automatic ZCS Retrieval and Encoding of Control Modules

Automatic ZCS Retrieval And Encoding Of Control Modules

Only the control modules containing the ZCS require manual input. All other ZCS encodable control modules are encoded automatically. After installing a replacement ZCS encodable control module the software in conjunction with the coding equipment seeks out all on board ZCS encodable control modules

The ZCS is copied by the coding equipment and stored in memory. The software extracts the pertinent information from the copied ZCS and generates coding data for the selected control module. The coding equipment automatically sends the data to the control module which encodes it to a vehicle specific control module.

Automatic ZCS Retrieval and Encoding Procedure:

1. With new control module installed, connect the DIS or MoDiC connector into the 20 pin diagnostic connector. Turn the ignition switch ON.
2. Access the ZCS coding opening menu. Select "1 ZCS Coding" and press the continue arrow.

3. The version ID page is displayed. Make sure it is the most up-to-date version of the software for the encoding procedure. Press the continue arrow.
4. The next screen allows selection of vehicle type. Select the vehicle and press the continue arrow.

5. The next screen provides a list of four choices.
For ZCS control module encoding select "1. Recoding" and press the continue arrow.
(The other choices are described further on in this section.)

6. The next screen lists the detected ZCS encodable control modules.
Select the installed replacement control module and press the continue arrow.
The screen will then respond by asking if the selection is correct. Press the Yes button to continue.

7. The next screen displays, "Install control module so that it works properly. Turn on Ignition. Press the continue arrow.
The next screen indicates automatic coding will begin with a Yes response as shown.
Press the Yes button to continue.

8. The next screen indicates automatic coding is in progress.

9. When coding is completed, the screen will indicate this. Follow the instructions on screen and double check that the encoding was carried out correctly by checking for proper system operation.

E38 IHKA, Disconnect control module from power supply for 10 seconds after encoding. (Reference IDC 1015/95-15).