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Removing and Installing/Sealing Converter Bell Housing

Removing and installing/sealing converter bell housing (A4S 270R/310R)

(transmission removed)

Secure transmission to assembly frame with special to 24 0 150 / 154 1155.
Drain off transmission oil.

Screw special tool 24 4 000 into torque converter and remove torque converter.

Installation: Insert torque converter through sealing ring to first limit position on the transmission shaft.
Press torque converter into bell housing by hand and rotate until recess in converter hub locates in driver of impeller and torque converter slides in perceptibly.
The torque converter is correctly installed when the gap between surface of threaded bore on torque converter and locating face of bell housing is approx. 31 mm.

Unfasten retaining screws on radial seal.
Using special tool 00 5 010 in conjunction with a suitable pressure piece (1), pull radial seal out of converter bell housing.

Coat sealing lips of new radial seal with transmission oil.
Install radial seal in converter bell housing and secure with 3 screws.
Tightening torque: Mechanical Specifications

Remove oil pan (1).

Note: When cleaning the sealing faces, ensure that no gasket residue drops into the transmission.

Replace seal.
Use new screws.
Tighten all screws firmly home.
In sequence, tighten each screw once down to tightening torque.
Tightening torque: Mechanical Specifications

Set transmission upright (converter bell housing facing upwards).
Remove O-ring.

Replace O-ring and coat with Vaseline.

Unfasten screws with special tool 24 5 180.

Drive out centering pins with a screwdriver.
Tighten screws crosswise. Tightening torque: Mechanical Specifications

Lift converter bell housing off with oil pump.
Remove spacer disc (1), gasket (2) and seal (3) from of pump.

Note: When cleaning the sealing faces, ensure that no gasket residue drops into the transmission.

Secure spacer disc (1) on oil pump with Vaseline.
Stick new gasket (2) to oil pump housing with Vaseline carefully aligning the hole pattern.
Coat new seal (3) with Vaseline and place on oil pump.

Remove rectangular rings (1) from turbine shaft (2).

Coat new open rectangular ring (1) with Vaseline and insert in lower groove in turbine shaft (2).
Coat new closed rectangular ring (3) with Vaseline, widen slightly and install in upper groove in turbine shaft (2).

Slide special tool (1) included in repair kit over the rectangular ring until special tool (1) locates against idler housing (3).
During subsequent work, do not remove special tool (1 from turbine shaft (2).

Note: The special tool (1) must remain fitted for at least 5 minutes to ensure that upper rectangular ring is pressed into groove.

Remove special tool (1).

Lift turbine shaft (1) with idler (2), spacer ring (3) and disc pack (4) out of intermediate case (5).

Install spacer ring (1) in intermediate case (2).
Recess in spacer ring points towards oil pan.

Install disc pack in intermediate case (3).
1. Lined discs
2. Steel discs

Install turbine shaft (1) and idler (2) in ring gear of intermediate case.

Remove axial needle bearing (1), ring gear (2) and step disc (3).

Install axial needle bearing (1) with black side facing upwards.

Remove thrust washer (1).

Coat thrust washer (1) with Vaseline and install in intermediate case.
Locking device in thrust washer (1) must locate in recesses of intermediate case.

Remove cable connector from solenoid valve.

Lift intermediate case (1) from main case (2) and withdraw cable from intermediate case.

Note: To clean sealing face (1), place transmission on level ground to ensure no gasket residue drops into the transmission.

Clean threaded bores.

Screw centering pins (1) into main housing (centering pins are provided in repair kit).
Replace O-rings (2) and coat with Vaseline.

Carefully cut gasket (1) as close as possible to center support (2) and remove.

Note: When cleaning the sealing face, ensure that no gasket residue drops into the oil bores.

Coat new gasket (1) with Vaseline and stick to hole pattern corresponding to intermediate case (3).
The gasket (1) must be seated cleanly across the entire surface.
Fit new sealing ring (4) and coat with Vaseline.

Secure spacer disc (1) with Vaseline.
Coat rectangular rings (2) with Vaseline.