Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



The software performs this automatically after a "Y" response on the key pad. During the automatic determination the VIN is displayed

If the VIN matches the connected vehicle press the Y button.

If the VIN does not match the connected vehicle the installed control module was programmed previously. Write the displayed VIN on a sheet of paper for possible reference in the SI Bulletin requiring the update or EPROM update . Press the N button. Manually enter the correct VIN from the vehicle and press the Y button.

The software compares the electronic part number of the installed EPROM with a list of replacements. This is a part number for a replacement basic control module or an EPROM depending on the procedure being performed.

There are two columns of part numbers in the display. The left column is new basic control modules and the right column is remanufactured basic control modules. Always order using the part number from the right column. Proceed with the reprogramming procedure covered further on.

If the MoDiC displays the message "No Substitute found" continue on to a manual determination.
Manual determination is performed by pressing "N" to the displayed question, "Is the faulty control module still in the car".