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The 1997 5 Series, designated E39, is the next evolution in the BMW line up to be introduced. It replaces the E34 as the fourth generation of 5 series in the middle of the product line. The complete vehicle is totally redesigned and draws heavily from the E38 in both body construction and electronic technology.

The E39 maintains the standards set with the E38 in body aerodynamics, interior design aesthetics and system electronic control while improving on the suspension designs with extensive use of aluminum components.

The US market will receive the E39 in two models; the 528i and the 540i.

- The 528i will be equipped with the 2.8 liter M52 engine and:
- A4S 270 R automatic transmission, or
- S5D 310 Z 5 speed manual gearbox

- The 540i will be equipped with the 4.4 liter M62 engine and:
- A5S 560 Z automatic transmission, or
- S6S 420 G 6 speed manual gearbox.

The aerodynamically designed body and features of the E39 give it the following drag coefficients:

- 528i = 0.28 (CD)
- 540i = 0.31 (CD)