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Temperature Regulation (Heating)


The IHKA E39 uses two separate heater cores for the driver and passenger sides. Each heater core is controlled by a pulsed water valve to regulate the flow of coolant, as on other IHKA systems. The valves are powered closed and wide open when deactivated. The water valves are pulsed to regulate the temperature based on the following inputs:

- Left/right temperature settings
- Left/right heater core temperatures
- Outside temperature
- Interior temperature
- "Y" factor

The auxiliary water pump is used to ensure that a sufficient volume of coolant is available to the heater cores for all heating conditions. The auxiliary pump is also used to supply coolant for the "REST" feature of the IHKA. The auxiliary water pump is powered directly from the IHKA control module through a final stage output.

There are individual maximum heat functions for the left/right side temperature control settings. At the maximum settings, temperature regulation is canceled and the water valves are 100% open to provide maximum heat.

Correspondingly, the water valves are powered closed in the maximum cold position of the temperature control settings.