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Heated Steering Wheel Feature

Heated Steering Wheel

The heated steering wheel system consists of the following components:
- A heating filament integrated into the steering wheel cover.
- An NTC temperature sensor, in the filament circuit, to regulate the heating current.
- A push button mounted in the right side MFL key pad.
- The control module located behind the air bag assembly
- Slip ring assembly for the power and ground supply.


When KL 15 is switched ON, the heated wheel can be switched ON by pressing the button. A green LED illuminates to indicate system operation. Maximum current is supplied and heats the filament to its operating temperature (surface temperature of approximately 90 °F). The NTC detects the temperature of the filament and causes the control module to cycle once the wheel is heated. Cycling is carried out with a pulse width modulated signal.

The system is not connected to the diagnostic link, however the control module does monitor operation of the system. If a fault occurs during operation, the system and green LED will switch OFF.