Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Receiver/Dryer Replacement

If air conditioning service requires opening the system to the atmosphere, the receiver/dryer should be replaced, if any of the following conditions are true:
- The vehicle has a severe leak or has been involved in an accident, such that the entire refrigerant charge has been lost.
- The receiver/dryer has been in use for two years or more. This can be determined by the date code printed on the label of the receiver/dryer. For example, 26/91 indicates the dryer was produced during the 26th week of 1991.
- The compressor has failed mechanically, and particles have contaminated the A/C system.

For more details, refer to Service Information Bulletin # 64 09 93 (3884).

The receiver/dryer should never be stored without the fittings plugged. It should be replaced if left unplugged for more than 60 minutes. The original factory plugs and seals should be saved; they provide a good fit during repair work. It's helpful to have all tools and parts laid out ahead of time, to save time when the system is open.