Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

E53, X5 Vehicles

1. Check the Recall Campaign label affixed to the B-pillar:

If the recall code number 316 is punched-out on the on the label (2), then NO further action is required.

If the number differs from 316, or recall label is not found, then continue with step 2.

2. Check the BMW part number on the fan/shroud assembly. The part number is located on the lower right side of the shroud (molded next to the BMW logo, or on the label printed next to the logo). The number can be read from the outside, through the gap between bumper trim and the cover (location indicated on the illustration).

If the part number is:
64 54 6 921 381, then NO further action is required.

If the part number differs from that listed, then continue with step 3.

3. Remove electric fan/shroud assembly. For removal/installation instructions refer to TIS RA 17 40 000 Inspect the back of the fan housing:

If the motor housing (1) is solid black, without cutouts (as shown on the illustration), then NO further action is required. Reinstall all previously removed components.

If the motor housing has cutouts and the aluminum body of the fan module can be seen, then replace electric auxiliary fan/shroud assembly with the new part - PN 64 54 6 921 381.